Lucas Augusto Pietra

Lucas Augusto Pietra

Pesquisador Discente | Student Researcher - UNIFESP | contato | contact:

Lucas Pietra é mestrando em História da Arte pela UNIFESP e bolsista FAPESP. Formado em História pela UnB (2022) e ex-integrante do Ateliê de Estudos de Retórica, pesquisa o legado de Aby Warburg e a obra de Frances Yates no Instituto Warburg. Lattes 

Lucas Pietra is a Master’s student in Art History at UNIFESP and a FAPESP fellow. He holds a degree in History from the University of Brasília (UnB, 2022) and is a former member of the Atelier of Rhetoric Studies. His research focuses on the legacy of Aby Warburg and the work of Frances Yates at the Warburg Institute.

Áreas de interesse | Areas of interest

Veja também | See also